I have learned a lot about love this past month. Sharing the last days of my dad's life with my family in the hospital and his final trip home with hospice, I have seen love in so many forms. It was humbling and awe-inspiring to receive love from our family, friends and all those who cared for my dad. To fully experience their love and kindness for our family wanting to support us during a heartbreaking time of loss was comforting to know we were not alone. Also the love, commitment and dedication to my dad shown by my mom, sisters and nephew up until his last breath was raw and real as it gets. His love for us seemed to fuel his fight for another breath to stay with us a bit longer.
It was not until now that I realized that my dad’s immense level of love was just not limited to our immediate family. The way he cared and loved others had a big impact on so many more lives. The way he supported others and cheered them on. His close friendships he treasured by calling frequently to stay close and ensure all were “well”. He also was a father figure to many offering advice, listening and sharing encouraging words plus keeping in touch letting them know he truly cared.
Love comes in many forms. I know this to be true witnessing it myself my entire life and through countless stories shared with me as well as photos submitted for his tribute providing a visual of my dad’s connection, caring and generosity.
What a legacy of love he left us. My dad’s positivity and being a force of love in the world was an intentional way of living. This positive effect of this love is imprinted forever on all who he crossed paths with and loved. After I walk through these days of grieving and sadness for missing my dad, I will do my best to keep that love alive. I will also live with the intention to assist my son, Anthony, to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather to be a man of good character and to love all in his life. What a wonderful way to keep the legacy alive of the best man I ever met.
